ISO 9001 (Quality Management System)
To ensure the quality of our products and services and improve customer satisfaction, we are certified for ISO 9001, international quality management standards.
* The scope is for headquarters only.
Quality Policy
We carry out our work to earn customer's trust and satisfaction
To achieve our Quality Policy, we implement the following measures:
- Cater to the customer’s needs based on our management philosophy of technological capabilities, quality and passion.
- Each employee takes action quickly, carefully and safely for all activities.
- Implement continuous improvements to meet the requirements of the quality management system and ensure effectiveness.
- Ensure the fulfillment of the legal and regulatory requirements.
July 1, 2008
Nobuo Uetake, Representative Director and President
Sun Engineering Co., Ltd.
ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System)
To take social responsibility as a company handling heavy goods, we are certified for ISO 14001, international environmental management standards and promote such activities in line with our policy, objectives and targets.
Specifically we prevent the generation of waste in our construction work and established standardized methods and procedures for transportation, storage and disposal of waste when it is generated. Also, we use digital tachographs during transport to control exhaust fumes.
* The scope is for headquarters only.
Environmental Policy
We recognize that our business activities are deeply related to the global environment and take all possible measures to work on environmental issues, including global warming.
The entire company sets the policy, objectives and targets, and is always aware of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and promotes initiatives for environmental conservation.
In order to achieve this environmental policy, we will implement the following measures:
- Comply with the laws when we dispose of waste.
- Promote energy saving activities.
- Promote design and activities, taking into account environmental conservation and the prevention of pollution.
- Comply with the related environmental laws and regulations, and agreements with the surrounding regions, the code of conduct for the industry and so on.
- Work on the development of environmental management programs to achieve environmental objectives and targets, as well as continuous improvement of the environmental management system.
We implement and maintain our environmental policy, communicate it to all employees and parties concerned and disclose the information according to the internal and external requirements.
May 1, 2009
Nobuo Uetake, Representative Director and President
Sun Engineering Co., Ltd.
ISO/IEC 27001 (Information Security Management System)
The world, both in reality and online, is flooded with information from personal information to confidential corporate information. In this environment we are certified for ISO/IEC 27001, information security standards, in order to protect information which requires high confidentiality, such as drawings of the facilities and machines, numerical data of the capabilities, and process charts of the construction work supplied by customers, and establish the standard procedures for handling within the company.
* The scope is for headquarters only.
Basic Information Security Policy
In order to maintain customer trust and the improvement of technologies and competitive power, we must implement appropriate security measures for information assets, and protect them from loss, theft and unauthorized use.
To this end, we prescribe the Basic Information Security Policy, and implement appropriate measures to protect our information assets.
All employees, including managers, must understand the intent, become familiar with our security provisions and comply with them.
- Define the roles and responsibilities concerning information security, and establish a system to manage and operate them systematically.
- With regard to all information assets and their handling, comply with the related laws and regulations, and contract matters, and use the information supplied by customers only for the intended purposes. Protect information assets from threats such as computer viruses and other unauthorized access, and work on it systematically so as not to cause problems for customers and clients, as well as internal related departments.
- Establish an information security committee so as to ensure the implementation and strengthening of security measures. Also create an information security manual to strive for information security management and continuous improvement, and make all concerned parties conform to it.
- Establish a mechanism to identify the threats and vulnerability of information assets, assess the response to the identified risks using proper criteria and implement assessments routinely.
- For promotion, recognize the importance of information security, and fully take into account the securing of management resources and allocation priority. Provide training and dissemination activities to ensure compliance and improvement for all concerned parties.
- Conduct internal audits of information security routinely and assess the compliance status. Strive to pursue the effectiveness and improve reliability through the promotion of corrective actions and other activities and contribute to the business continuity.
- In the case of violation of the Basic Information Security Policy, and various rules, it shall be addressed in accordance with the prescribed punishment and office regulations.
August 1, 2009
Nobuo Uetake, Representative Director and President
Sun Engineering Co., Ltd.